Looking forward to next year.

Hi everyone

Sorry its been such a long time since the last chairman’s note to you all, but I am sure you can understand how busy we are at this time of year. Unfortunately the weather is back with a vengeance. Also the lack of members stepping forward to fill the empty spaces in the event staffing roster has also effected things going ahead smoothly (this is not pay and play).

The new proposed calendar is now drafted and ready for you to look over in the members area of the website. Any feedback is welcome, please use the contact information detailed in that section. I am sure you will have some good ideas and all are welcome for us to discuss. Also it is an ideal chance to to have a good look and see if there is a good time for you to do your bit and volunteer as a clerk as soon as it is finalised. If you are unsure about taking on a full clerk position don’t hesitate to ask any other more experienced members to help as an assistant clerk position is also there to learn the job.

See you soon