Club Leagues

SROC runs leagues for the RTV, CCV & Timed Trials events to determine who is the best driver over the course of a calendar year.

2024 as at 17.10.24

To encourage Members to help run events the Club runs a scheme whereby if you officiate at enough events throughout the year you will be entitled to a FREE item of Team Southern Clothing, which will be presented to you at the AGM the following year.

List & description of SROC trophies.

2023 Final Leagues

2022 Final Leagues

2021 Final Leagues

2020 – Suspended due to Covid-19 global pandemic

2019 Final Leagues

2018 Final Leagues

2017 Final Leagues

2016 Final Leagues

2015 Final Leagues

2014 Final Leagues

2013 Final Leagues

2012 Final Leagues

2011 Final Leagues

2010 Final Leagues

2009 Final Leagues

The Leagues are calculated from the final number of penalties declared at an event, irrespective of class, and are run on a 40 point system. The person coming first overall is given 40 points, second gets 38 points, third 36 points, fourth 35 points and then reducing by one point to 38th place. In Trials, drivers on the same score will only be separated by the number of clears they achieved throughout the day. If a tie occurs, the drivers will be allocated the higher value of points, i.e. if two drivers tie for first place, both will receive 40 points, unless a run off takes place or outright overall placings are declared. If the Event is an “Invitational”, and members of other clubs take part, the scores of the non SROC members will be removed from the results for League point purposes. If a driver has competed during the year in different classes they will have an entry in the League for each class, plus an entry for the total number of points they scored through-out the year. Any drivers that retire from an event will be considered to have come in joint last place for League point purposes, and will be allocated the appropriate number of points. If there were more than six events held in the year, a driver’s worst two scores for the year will be dropped when the final League positions are calculated for the Leagues. If there were six or less events held in the year, only the single worst score for the year will be dropped. If there are three events or less, no worse scores will be dropped, they will all count. Only those members who have competed in a League event will be shown in the League tables.

Opting out of the Leagues

  • If you do not wish to be included in a league, you will need to email with the name of the league you wish to opt out of, or making sure the event results sheet is clearly marked accordingly.
  • Once you are in the league you cannot opt out. (If you try to opt out after the results have been published, that means the league points for the previous events would need to be recalculated and this is a hobby…).
  • This is one-way – once you have opted out of a league, you cannot go back in again until the following year (for the same reason as above);
  • You will need to opt out each year.


Any competitor needs to have qualified for each League they compete in to be eligible for any annual award. To qualify they need to have earned at least three League Qualification “Points” by officiating at Club events. As the different “Officials” duties require a varying degree of effort, the “Point” value for each role varies to recognise this as shown below: –

Official Role
Maximum Per Normal Club Event
Qualification Points
Senior Clerk of the Course 1 3
Assistant Clerk of the Course 3 2
Event Administrator 2 1
Scrutineer 2 2
Steward 1 1
Membership Secretary 1 1
Marshal As many as the CoC needs! 1

The official is only deemed to have carried out their qualification duty by signing both on and off at an Event and declare which league they wish to qualify for, but they can move this qualification from one league to another at the end of the year should they so wish, by contacting the “League Coordinator”. It is the official’s responsibility to ensure that they do this. Should they omit to sign on or off at an event they can appeal to the committee in writing within one month of the event to have their points retrospectively added.

If an official does not declare which league they wish their points to be allocated to, the “League Coordinator” will make a best guess. (Primarily allocating points in the order RTV / CCV / Timed Trial.)

A driver does not have to carry out their qualification duty at an event that forms part of the Leagues they are competing in. Any club event that does not form part of a League can also be used for League qualification by the officials and if a driver wishes to qualify for more than one League then they are required to qualify separately for each League.