2-Day Team Trial Past Events

SROC 2-Day Team TrialThe 2-Day Team CCV Trial is an annual event hosted by Southern Rover Owners’ Club in Smuggler’s Country of deepest, darkest Sussex. The concept of a Team Trial was originally started by Ron Baker in 1994 to add a different element to CCV Trialling, where outside assistance is encouraged with team members allowed / encouraged to guide & direct each other through the sections, obviously without endangering themselves.

The 2023 Southern 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Here are the results for the 2023 edition of the SROC 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Here are some photos from the event

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The 2021 Southern 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Here are the results for this years 2-Day CCV Team Trial. Whilst it was the wettest that any of us could remember the site ever being, a good time was had by all despite the August downpours. Our thanks yet again go to Dawn Davis, the Event Director, and her team for getting everything organised along with Team Chick – Mick, George and Garry who laid the event out, assisted by Tom Constable and Steve Smith, as well as all the other marshals and event officials without whom the event would not be able to run. Hopefully you will all dry out in time for next years event for which Ron Baker has volunteered to return and lay it out.

And here are some photos.


The 2020 Southern 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Due to Covid19 the 2020 event was cancelled.


The 2019 Southern 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Here are some photos from the event.

Here are the results for the 2019 event.


The 2018 Southern 2-Day CCV Team Trial

Here are some photos from the 2018 event

That’s another event done and the results are below. Dave Green & Terry Buss laid out some cracking sections, aided by the spell of dry weather we have recently had that meant we could get into bits of the site that we normally wouldn’t even look at, let alone lay out sections that need to stand up to 40 hard driven vehicles. Thanks to all those that helped make the event a great success, but in particular to the Event Director Dawn Davis who coordinates it all. Next year will be the 25th running of the event, and plans are already afoot to make it even better.

Here are the results for the 2018 event


2017 2-Day Team Trial

Here are some photos from the 2017 event

Yet again a massive thanks to all those that made this years event another great success; the event director, all the clerks, secretaries, scrutineers, marshals, stewards & everyone else involved for a really well run event. Without the officials, the event wouldn’t run, without the competitors, there wouldn’t be a lot of point! Thanks to all of you that travelled far and wide, hopefully you got home ok and think it was worth the trip.

Here are the results for the 2017 2-Day Team Trial

2016 2-Day Team Trial

Here’s an album of Ben’s photos from the 2016 event.

Here’s an album of Dave’s photos from the 2016 event.

A massive thanks to the event director, all the clerks, secretaries, scrutineers, marshals, stewards & everyone else involved for a really well run event again this year. Thanks to all the drivers and passengers for taking part- some of you travelled a long way to get to the event- I’m sure it was worth it. Thanks also to Damian & Kerry Porter of Bramble 4X4 who sponsored the event again this year.

Here are the results for the 2016 2-Day Team Trial

2015 2-Day Team Trial

A huge, huge thank you to everyone involved in setting up and running this year’s event- you know who you are and you know how much hard work went into it- and all the drivers for coming along – a lot of you travelled for hours, and Damian & Kerry Porter of Bramble 4X4 who helped to make this year’s event such a success.

Here are the results for the 2015 2-Day Team Trial



2014 2-Day Team Trial

Here’s an album of photos from the 2014 event.

Here’s a second album of photos from the 2014 event.

SROC would like to say thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this year’s event a very special one. And a really big thank you to our 2 sponsors- Chris & Caroline Wells of RLG Tyres and Damian & Kerry Porter of Bramble 4X4 who helped to make this year’s event such a success, by supporting the event and coming up with raffle prizes which raised a good chunk of money for our nominated charities- The Jim Mockford Fund & Demelza House. Details of how much was raised will follow once we have finished doing the sums.



2-Day Team Trial Results 2018

2-day Team Trial Results 2017

2-Day Team Trial Results 2016

2-Day Team Trial Results 2015

2-Day Team Trial Results 2014

2-Day Team Trial Results 2013

2-Day Team Trial Results 2012

2-Day Team Trial Results 2011

2-Day Team Trial Results 2010

2-Day Team Trial Results 2009