Hi All
Thanks for your patience. The survey is now calculated and the results are now in the members area. An email notification should now be with you. The consensus of opinion is difficult to gauge and will be looked over thoroughly by the committee and we will be taking the results as a guide as to the way forward on our journey out of this strange and frightening time.
I would like to say thank you to all the members who took part in this survey and thank you to those who showed there support with the positive comments to the committee on the work that they have done for the club. This means a great deal to us in a otherwise thankless job.
We are looking at starting competing and rallying as soon as it is possible taking in all of the factors ( restrictions, competitor numbers and staffing etc).
The chance to have your view on the way forward was taken up by 16% of the members so this is the yard stick we will measure the steps moving forward.
Also the AGM paperwork is in the members area for you to take a look at for the upcoming meeting on Thursday 18th March at 7.45pm via Zoom.
Thanks once again.