AGM & National Rally Update

Hi All,

Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM on Thursday. As I said at the AGM it has been pointed out to me that communication about the National is not as good as I thought it was. So from now on I’m going to try and do a weekly update on the website and Facebook.

For this post I’m confirming that any SROC members camping for the duration of the event need to book in through the paper or electronic booking system and pay the £50. This was one of the first things discussed and agreed at the initial meeting 18 months ago at Knowle. Anyone not camping will need to be onsite each day for the Marshals briefing, times to be advised. Anyone coming in later, unless pre-arranged, will be a day visitor/spectator. Camping will be available from at least the weekend before, most of the National committee will be on site from then. Anyone who can be available either before or after to help set-up/clean up please let us know so we can plan work to be done. Also the weekend before we will have a get together and run through for everyone who has put their name down for the various roles. There may well be other working weekends in the run up, these will be notified as soon as we can.

I think that will do for now, just need to wish all those going to Essex next week good luck.
