Fire Extinguisher and Events

Hi All

First of all, to get a jump on the new regulations coming up on the first of January there will be a fire extinguisher engineer attending the CCV at Cow Farm (Christmas Cup).
He will be there through the scrutineering period. The attendance fee will be paid by the club, the individual extinguisher check will be paid by the competitor that will be at £2.50 per extinguisher.

The 2019 event calendar is now available so please contact Jake (event staffing) and put your name down to help run them as soon as possible (No Clerk No Event) .

We have struggled toward the end of this year for staffing, so can we please turn over a new leaf and have some new faces come forward to staff the events of the forthcoming year. If new people come forward they will receive any help they require from the more experienced members in any role they wish to play at an event. Either clerk, admin or scrutineering there will be someone on hand to help.

Thanks Rod.