Guide To Events

A variety of events are regularly run throughout the year at a number of different sites, mainly in Kent and Sussex. See the upcoming events page for details of forthcoming events.

A number of these events have camping and caravanning weekends associated with them. Details are published here on the website & the quarterly magazine, Southern News and promoted on our Facebook page.

The main type of events we run are off-road trials across ground of varying degrees of difficulty. The object is to drive from the start to the finish of the “Section” non stop and without hitting any of the marker sticks or “gates”. There will normally be 8 or 10 sections per event with 10 or 12 gates per section. Allowances are made for drivers of Long Wheelbase vehicles such as Range Rovers, Discovery’s, 110’s etc.

A Beginners Guide to SROC Trials…………

The passage below was kindly written for us by a new member to help others know what to expect on your first trials day. Although written for a Tyro the basic premise and timings are the same for all trial types. RTV – Road Taxed Vehicle Trial – being a bit harder and over muddier or challenging terrain, you may get a few scratches or dents, though appropriate use of the brake pedal should avoid this! The CCV – Cross Country Vehicle Trial – is more extreme again and needs a specially prepared vehicle. We suggest you come and watch any of our trials and take advice on the vehicles before jumping in- to compete or passenger someone you will also first need to join the club as all our events are permitted and insured through the Motorsport UK, the UK governing body for motor sport.

“Come and try our Tyro…..

What is Tyro? Having Googled the word “Tyro” it means beginner or novice. This is true but it’s also open to anyone just wanting to take their Land Rover off road without getting tangled in any bushes, getting stuck in ditches or bumping into trees. Its all about control of slight inclines and turning those tight Land Rover circles without hitting the bamboo canes that mark out a course. There is a set of 10 gates marking out a set course and the skill is to get around without touching any of these bamboo flagged gates. The gates start at number 10 and count down to number 1. As you go through each gate without touching it you count down until you touch a gate and that is your score, (i.e. if you hit gate number 6, you score 6 points) the winner being the lowest score on the day.

What’s the procedure on the day?

The actual Tyro event starts at 10, but first you have to sign on with the secretary between 8.30-9.45. Your vehicle will be inspected for safety and you will be issued with your days score card. Remember all the cars have to be checked, so being there sooner rather than later is better. A briefing then takes place and the running order of vehicles is announced. The car that starts first will be the last on the second section so that each car moves forward a place through the starting order as the stages progress.

Its a really fun day so come and enjoy with us and don’t forget the picnic!!”

Junior Trials (JTV)Junior Trials (JTV)

Although we are predominantly a Land Rover club, these are for 8 to 17 year olds using modified lawn tractors (unfortunately Land Rover haven’t yet produced anything suitable so we had to be creative). SROC was closely involved in developing these events with the Motorsport UK (the governing body of motorsport in the UK) and we have access to a vehicle for our younger members to use.

Tyro TrialsTyro Trials

These are mild events aimed at first time novice drivers and those with “showroom” condition vehicles. These events are laid out to Motorsport UK specifications regarding the ground that can be used to ensure showroom condition vehicles remain that way and so that a Novice driver can’t get themselves into a dangerous situation. They are suitable for all types of Land Rover vehicle and can be driven by entrants over 13 years of age, but if you have a driving licence and get beaten by someone who hasn’t some “banter” may come your way! Within reason the whole family can passenger, so if you want to compete along with your family at the weekend then commute on a Monday, this is the event for you.

Road TaxedRoad Taxed Vehicle Trials (RTV) Vehicle Trials (RTV)

As the name implies, these are for day to day road taxed vehicles and as such they need to be MOT’d and Taxed. the ground used will be more severe than a TYRO and whilst they should be non-damaging, the odd dink or scratch is not unknown. The vehicle has a brake pedal so the driver can always stop if they don’t like what they see! As part of these events we run an Novice trialling class known as A20. This is for inexperienced drivers who have borrowed a CCV vehicle so they can have a go without risk to a road car. A20 runs last throughout the day to avoid disrupting the main RTV event and is not eligible for any awards.

Cross Country Vehicle Trials (CCV)Cross Country Vehicle Trials (CCV)

These are more specialised events requiring vehicles with added safety features such as a roll cage and they will have any number of tweaks or modifications. Generally they are not road legal and as such will be trailered to an event. The ground used to lay out a CCV section will be challenging with some banks being difficult to negotiate on foot and it is not unusual for a vehicle to end up rolling onto it’s side/roof. We wouldn’t recommend a Novice start with one of these events.

Timed TrialsTimed Trials

These are the next stage on from a CCV Trial, requiring a CCV specification vehicle. They are a CCV Trial, but having the added element of being run against the clock. Crash helmets are an additional requirement for these events, but the club owns a couple of these that competitors may borrow.

Competitive SafarisCompetitive Safaris

These are the most specialised events that we could run, for vehicles that require a high level of preparation & safety equipment. They are purely a timed event, although the event officials may give penalties to anyone mowing down the course furniture. They may not look it, but competitors are expected to maintain at least a modicum of control. These are definitely not events for Novices as the risk of a big accident is not insignificant.

Team Recoveries

These are another timed event for teams of two Competitive Safari specification vehicles to negotiate an “impossible” course. Both vehicles must complete the course, assisting each other by suitable means, usually towing.


Light hearted “driving test” type events where all the family can take part. Suitable for road going vehicles as well as off-road vehicles. Passengers are allowed, and often actually required!

Winch Recoveries

Recovery competitions involving a team of members and a winch vehicle. Teams are marked on safe and efficient use of the winch while carrying out a specific task, often the recovery of a disabled vehicle.

Bike Trials

Another fun event using pedal power instead of Land Rovers. Light hearted and open to all age groups.