Event Entry

All SROC events are open to at least all members of Southern Rover Owners’ Club and Competitive Clubs of the Association of Land Rover Clubs.

Please make sure you have applied for your RS Clubman Licence and bring it with you along with your membership card when arriving at all events. Please note that all drivers and passengers will need to have an RS Clubman Licence, except Tyro passengers. Please go to the Motorsport UK website to find out more information and apply.

Entry Fees Per Driver

Event Pre-Booked On the day entry
RTV £30.00  £35.00
CCV £30.00 £35.00
Tyro £25.00 £30.00
JTV £15.00 £20.00
Timed Trial £40.00 £50.00
Gymkhana £10.00 £15.00

The above entry fees include the Motorsport UK Permit costs of £11.50 for a JTV, RTV or CCV; £10 for a Tyro or Gymkhana and £14 for a Timed Trial. The balance is what the club has to pay the land fees and other event costs.

Please only enter the next/upcoming event. The deadline for receipt of pre-booked entries is 9PM the WEDNESDAY the week before the event weekend (normally 10 days before). If you withdraw your entry before this date, the organisers reserve the right to only issue a 2/3rd refund of your fee. A complete entry requires both an entry form and payment. Thank you. Once we have checked we have received your form and payment a list of entries will be posted in the members section of the website.

If you miss the event entry but still wish to compete, it would be helpful if you could email onlineevents@sroc.co.uk  to let us know you are coming. You will also need to complete a manual / paper  entry form which can be found here.

The club reserves the right to cancel any event which does not have a Clerk of the Course in place or receive a minimum of 6 entries before the closing date for pre-booked entries.

Please click here to download and print the SROC Event Entry Form  or:-

Click on the links below to enter online:-

Enter an RTV

Enter a CCV

Enter a Tyro

Enter a JTV

Enter a Timed Trial

Enter a Gymkhana



Click here for the Membership Page.