SROC Trophies

SROC is grateful to have been gifted a great selection of trophies over the years, with some of them having very long histories. These fall into four main categories; those that are won and awarded at events, the leagues trophies that are awarded at the AGM, those that are won throughout the year and presented at the AGM and those that are won at the ALRC National Rally and again presented at the AGM. Details of all these trophies are below.

Trophies Won and Awarded at Events

Easter Series I Shield. This shield was presented to the Club by Mr. & Mrs. D E Batt. It is awarded to the highest placed standard Series I at the Easter CCV trial.

Easter Series II Shield. This shield was also presented by Mr. & Mrs. D E Batt and is awarded to the highest placed standard Series II at the Easter CCV Trial.

Jill Haythorne Memorial Trophy. This was presented by her husband John Haythorne, and is awarded to the best Lady driver at the Easter RTV Trial.

Bearmach Easter Ladies Trophy. This was presented by Bearmach (Maidstone) Ltd and is awarded to the highest placed Lady driver at the Easter CCV Trial.

Bearmach Easter Timed Event Shield. This was presented by Bearmach (Maidstone) Ltd and is awarded to the driver with the fastest overall time at the Easter Timed event.

The Renhurst Trophy. This was presented by John Padfield and is awarded to the winner of the RTV Trial held at the Mark Cross event normally held in June / July each year.

The Two Day Team Trial Tankard. These are awarded to the winning team of the annual 2-Day CCV Team Trial. Non SROC members are eligible to win this award.

The Julian Tanton Brown Team Trial Trophy. This was presented by Jenny Tanton Brown in memory of her husband. It is awarded to the highest placed SROC team in the annual Team Trial. This is currently the Southern-2-Day, which is an Invitational event to other ALRC Clubs.

The Junior Trials Shield. This shield was presented to the club by Ben Green. It is awarded at August Bank Holiday to the driver with the lowest combined scores in the JTV Trials at Mayday and August Bank Holiday.

The Mel & Simon Stemp Shield. Presented by Mel & Simon Stemp and is awarded to the highest placed Junior Member competing in an RTV specification vehicle in the August Bank Holiday Tyro Trial.

The Tyro Big Cup. Presented by Rod Catt and is awarded to the lowest combined scores for a Novice driver at the Easter, Mayday and August Bank Holiday Tyro Trials, competing in an RTV specification vehicle.

The Skinners RTV Cup. This was presented by Skinners Land Rover Centre and is awarded to the winner of the August Bank Holiday RTV Trial.

Dipstick Trophy. This was presented by Peter Mayes and is awarded to the driver who tried hard, but “never quite made it” at the August Bank Holiday RTV Trial. It is not necessarily awarded to the driver who is placed last. Usually judged by the Clerk of the Course and officials.

The Jim Powell Memorial Trophy. This was presented by his wife Mrs. R. Powell, and is awarded to the highest placed Novice Driver at the August Bank Holiday CCV Trial.

The Skinners August Bank Holiday Team Recovery Cups. Again presented by Skinners and as the name suggests, they are presented to the winners of the August bank Holiday Team Recovery event.

Skinners Person of the Weekend Shield. Another award from Skinners. This is presented to the person, not necessarily driver or official, that has contributed the most to the August Bank Holiday weekend. It is judged by Committee members at the event.

Caffyns Rose Bowl. This award is also known as the Sussex Rose Bowl. It was however, presented to the Club by Caffyns Ltd, hence it‟s name. The Rose Bowl is presented to the winner of any specified CCV Trial held in Sussex.

League Trophies, Presented at the AGM

The Gymkhana Cup. This was presented by Mr. D Cooper and is awarded to the highest placed competitor in all the Gymkhanas held throughout the year.

The South Downs Trophy. This was presented by Laurie & Helena Wright and is awarded to the winner of the RTV League.

The Brightling Motors Trophy. This was presented by Ron Baker and is awarded to the Highest placed Lady in the CCV League. To be eligible the recipient must have officiated at least one CCV Trial throughout the year.

Pat & Peter New Cup. This was presented by Pat & Peter New and is awarded to the winner of the CCV League.

The Chislet Trophy. This was presented by Charles Darby and was originally awarded to the driver of the highest placed driver of a Series II or III vehicle in the CCV League. With the decline in these sorts of vehicles competing in CCV’s, from the start of the 2016 season this trophy is now presented to the winner of the Timed Trial League.

Colin McCartney Competitive Safari Cup. This was presented by Colin McCartney and is awarded to the winner of the Competitive Safari League.

Trophies Won at the National Rally, Presented at the AGM

The Presidents Shield. This was presented by Tony Kempster and is awarded to the highest placed SROC Member competing in a Standard Class in the National RTV Trial.

The Chairman’s Cup. This was presented by Mr. P Sims and it is awarded to the highest placed SROC member in the National CCV Trial.

The Dunsfold Cup. This cup was presented by Brian Bashall of Dunsfold Land Rovers and is awarded to the highest placed SROC member in the National Competitive Safari.

Trophies Won during the year, Presented at the AGM

The Dave Etheridge Award Winners Cup. This was presented by Dave Etheridge and is awarded to the winner of the Award Winners CCV Trial usually held at the beginning of the year. To be eligible, competitors must have won 1st, 2nd or 3rd placing either Overall or in Class over the previous 3 years in a CCV Trial. The winner of this award is normally asked to be Clerk of the Course for the event the following year.

The Paula Esmond Trophy. This was presented by Dave Esmond and is awarded to the competitor with the “highest” overall score at the Award Winners Trial.

R.Y.A. Trophy. This was presented to the Club by the Royal Yachting Association to commemorate the appearance of the SROC in the Lord Mayors Show in 1976. The trophy is presented to the winner of the Gymkhana held at the Mark Cross event in June/July each year. This event is usually a trailer reversing competition and each competitor may be asked several questions (regarding trailer towing etc.) which are set by the Clerk of the Course. The winner of this award is normally asked to be Clerk of the Course for the Event the following year.

Mike & Judith Hibbins Team Trials Cups. This was presented by Mike & Judith Hibbins and is awarded to the team who achieve the lowest aggregate score at the Easter and August Bank Holiday CCV Trials. To compete for this award Members form teams of two drivers before the start of the Easter event and inform the Secretary of the Meeting accordingly. The Secretary of the Meeting must pass this information on to the Competition Secretary.

Wealden RTV Cups. These were presented by Ian & Dawn Davis and Phil & Joy Newland, and is the RTV equivalent of the Mike and Judith Hibbens Team Trial Cups.

Woodland Challenge Cup. This was presented by Charles & Debby Darby. It is awarded to the overall winner of a Knockout Championship held at every RTV Trial between Easter and August Bank Holiday each year. At the Easter Event all drivers are randomly drawn against each other (by pulling names from a hat for example). The driver with the lowest score from a competing pair at the end of the event then goes forward to the next round at the next event, were the random selection process is again repeated. This is carried on until an eventual winner is left. Any driver who officiates at a RTV Trial during this time will receive a “bye” to the next round of the championship (once only per competitor).

North Downs Cup. This was presented by Mark & Isobel Wardley and is the CCV equivalent of the Woodland Challenge Cup.

The Brightling Trophy. This was presented by Ron Baker & Russell Norman and is awarded to the highest placed competitor in both the CCV and the speed event (Comp, Timed Trial, etc) held over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

The Christmas Cup. This was presented by John Handbury many years ago and is awarded to the winner of the CCV Trial that takes place shortly before Christmas each year.

The Perseverance Cup. This was presented by Trevor Jones and is awarded to the driver making the highest number of entries in all events, in a Standard Series II or III vehicle throughout the year. In the event of a tie, the Cup is awarded to the driver with the highest number of league points earned in all types of event in a Standard SII or III vehicle.

The Fawkham Forge Plate. This was presented by Mike Hibbins and is awarded for the best performance by a Novice Driver in a RTV Trial during the year. Only those drivers who have won a Novice Cup at a RTV Trial in the previous year are eligible. Their score at that Event is then divided by the number of drivers that entered the Event. The driver with the lowest average wins.

Broomfield Novice Cup. This was presented by David Broomfield and is awarded on the same lines as The Fawkham Forge Plate, but for the best performance by a Novice CCV Driver.

The Darwell Cup. This was presented by Richard Saunters and is awarded to the winner of the annual 3 Hour Safari, now known as the 50 lap Safari.

Joe & Christine Gregory Six Hour Competitive Safari Shield. This was presented by Joe & Christine Gregory to the winner of the 6 Hour Safari, now known as the 100 lap Safari.

The Ron Atkins Trophy. This Trophy was presented to the Club by Mrs. J Atkins in commemoration of her husband. It is awarded to the Club Member who has unselfishly dedicated a lot of time and effort to the Club. Only non-Committee members are eligible and each year all Members are asked to send in their nominations for this trophy. A person may only be awarded this trophy once.