Latest News

Here we go, the festive fun for 2014 is behind us which can only mean that 2015 is here and we not only have a full year of fun to look forward to, but it is also our Membership Secretary’s busiest time of the year. Existing members will have had your renewal notice through the post in December and if you want to play at Elham at the end of this month it would greatly help if you have renewed in plenty of time. If you have already renewed thank you, if you haven’t please make everyone’s life easier and get on with it! If you are not renewing for any reason then we would like to know why – drop us an email to letting us know why.

We have had the last pieces of the jigsaw that is this years event calendar fall into place and an updated version is available here. Please note that the AGM is going to be on a Wednesday this year and the club’s Annual Dinner has a new venue which has been exhaustively tested at great personal expense by a merry band of organisers.