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At last month’s AGM, the subject of SROC holding a ‘National’ was raised. The next available date is 2016. Below, is a piece from your Chairman asking for your views. Please take the time to read it and e-mail your views to Dave.

For those of you that haven’t already heard, the question of SROC putting our hands up to run an Association of Land Rover Clubs National Rally was on the Agenda at the recent Annual General Meeting. We had a good discussion on the subject and there was significant support to the idea that it is “our turn”. May 2016 was the favoured option and it was agreed that the new committee should carry out a feasibility study to see just how realistic this is. As part of this study, we could do with having a better idea who really is “up for it” and what they would be willing to do, so to this end we would ask that you complete the questionnaire below and forward it to

It should be borne in mind that The National Rally is the ALRC’s flagship event of the year where all the member clubs can come together, not just for the competition but to renew acquaintances that have been made over years of attending these Rallies. As such, it is no small undertaking to organise the event, but if we get it right, we can make a reasonable profit that can be turned back into the club as well as having the satisfaction of a job well done.

Please bear in mind that we can’t by any stretch of the imagination guarantee that you will get the job that you want – this is just so we can get a feel of who is available to support the event.

So we can get a feel for the level of support, please cut and paste the questionnaire below into an e-mail along with your answers and e-mail to Dave Canham-

Would you want to help help run the National in 2016, or any year after

Last time we ran one, there were people on site for the best part of 2 weeks before and 1 week after. We don’t expect you to do this or even if it will be necessary, but what could you offer?

(Whilst the tidy up is easier than the set up, it all needs people to help.)

What sort of role would you like to carry out? (Helping with Rally reception to Clerking an event – there is plenty to be done.)

If you were given the option, would you compete, or do you feel we should have a blanket ban to make sure we have as many of our own members as possible available to run the event?

Thank you for your time.