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The 2014 Annual General Meeting is now behind us and below is a copy of my review of 2013 that was presented to the meeting. It was a busy AGM, with four rule change proposals submitted by the outgoing committee, all of which were agreed.

These were:- the introduction of an “Affinity Membership” class; the removal of the requirement to send everyone a copy of the Club Rules – referring them to those on the website; allowing Honorary Members to serve on the committee; and a restriction on who can be made an Honorary member.

Also a good discussion also took place as to whether SROC should put our hands up to run an Association of Land Rover Clubs National Rally. I have got to say that I was surprised by the number of members at the meeting in favour of this and as a result it was agreed that the new committee should carry out a more in depth feasibility study into running the National Rally in the future, 2016 being the favourite. More on this later.

Below is the Chairman’s report from the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

SROC Chairman.

2014 Annual General Meeting – Chairman’s report:-

As a Committee we have had a busy year and the bottom line is that we have not only managed to curtail some of recent losses, but have actually made a small profit. In no particular order this has been helped by:-

  • An increase in the membership figures;
  • We held our nerve with the number and type of events that we are laying on and it is good to see that the entries are on the up;
  • A review of our Land Fee payments – we remain grateful to our Land Owners for letting us play on their land, but we need to be mindful that the sums have to stack up;
  • A significant reduction in the costs associated with our magazine. This is not only by the sourcing of a cheaper printer but also that the distribution is being done in house.
  • The 2-Day Team trial is growing in stature and becoming talked about in the same breathe as The Majors & The Baskerville Challenge – which is not to be sniffed at. Thanks to the hard work put in by Dawn Davis, Ron Baker & their respective teams, this event alone returned a profit in excess of £1000.
  • We held an Open Day at Knowle Farm, and whilst on paper we did not make money from it, there is no doubt that it raised the profile of the club in the area. There is more chance of people joining if they know we exist. To this end we are holding another one this year and have again produced some flyers too promote the event, please hand them out to anyone that may be interested.

During the year, Dave Green took over the role of Webmaster from Ian Davis and now have a new website. We of course thank Ian for his many years of looking after this on our behalf.

It should be remembered that your committee will do what it can to run the events, but we can’t do everything and we are still looking for people to help run the events on the day, Clerks in particular. Part of Ron Bakers remit when we co-opted him onto the committee was to help anyone that wanted to have a go laying out a trial, but didn’t feel they are experienced enough. Ron and others are there to help, so please put your best foot forward, everyone did it for a first time at some time.

On a personal note I would like to thank the outgoing committee for their support over the last year and hopefully we can carry on the good work into this one.

As ever, and at the risk of repeating myself, this is your club, so please speak up, whether that be at this meeting or privately to a committee member throughout the year.