There will be a JTV Trial for our younger members aged between 8 & 16 held on Saturday 24th August at Copford Farm, Horam. This will start after the RTV […]
Author Archive | Dave Canham
League update
The current league position have just been posted on the Leagues page.
Jayne Baitup
It is with sadness that we have to announce the passing of Jayne Baitup who recently succumbed to Pancreatic Cancer. Jayne was a popular member, a regular Tyro competitor who […]
Earlye Farm results
These have just been added to the results page.
2-Day entries
Entries have been coming in thick and fast and we are now over half way to our maximum capacity. If you want to take part in a great weekends trialling, […]
The ALRC National
The National has been and gone for another year and it seems Southern’s drivers of longer vehicles have been showing us the way. We had Simon Barden 2nd Class 10 […]
Mayday results
The results from the CCV & RTV held over the Mayday weekend at Cow Farm are on the results page.
The ALRC National Rally
This years ALRC National Rally is relatively local this year, not even an hour up the M1 from the M25 at Whaddon, just outside Milton Keynes. Booking are open until […]
Rules updated
Further to the recent AGM the Club Rules have been updated to formally adopt the ALRC Safeguarding Policy, our own Social Media and Privacy policies and to give a Disciplinary […]
Hi All, Thanks to all those who attended the AGM and had their say in the running of the club. It was quite a lively discussion. There is certainly plenty […]