Latest News

The competitive year is now well and truly under way after the ​events at Elham wh​ere the Clerks managed to lay out some challenging sections on one of our few all weather sites. Elham might normally be cold in the wind on the side of a hill, but it is this hill that allows the site to drain which some of our sites are not doing as well as they normally do at this time of year. This standing water has resulted in our having to move the CCV that was scheduled for Bantony Farm​ in February to Cow Farm as now shown on the events calendar.

Situations Vacant – Events Secretary:- As of the AGM in March, Dave Green will be standing down from this role, having done it for 5 years. The committee is looking at streamlining the role to make it easier, but anyone interested should have a chat with Dave in the first instance and he will have a go at convincing you want to do it!

For those of you that haven’t booked in for the dinner, there is still just about time –the venue and food come highly recommended.

And the National fleeces are back!

Those of you that attended the P&D National in 2004 will remember looking across the site and seeing the Southern members standing out in the crowd. Why? Because they were all wearing their SROC 2005 yellow fleeces! These were a great advert for our event, so we are doing them again. They are pretty good quality and some of us still have them from 11 years ago – others that have been worn whilst painting, grinding or welding haven’t lasted so well! And the reversible blue side would keep the damp out if you got caught in a shower.

We were looking at a different colour for this time around but we were limited in the choice of colours. Others in the ALRC still talk about 2005 having been a great event so we wanted to build on that and use an updated version of the 2005 logo, but it would only work with a yellow background, So working on the principle that if it ain’t broke… The fact that we could get them for about the same price as last time also helped sway the decision. We also have a version available for children & 3XL’s, although these are not reversible.

Order before 8th April to get them at a reduced rate and for collection before this years National at Eastnor.