Possible motor sport restart

Hi everyone,
Hope you all are well and safe.
Motorsport UK have released the first draft of the route out of motor sport lockdown, but I must make you aware that the possible restart date of 1st July is only a suggested point on the calendar and not a definite. The committee is making plans to get events running again in the future, within the guidelines given as soon as we can. These events will be very different; all officials have to be in place and signed in online before the event as will the competitors, there will be no helpers or entrants on the day, no spectators, the clerks will have to layout events with little chance of an accident or a recovery,  the scrutineering will change, no passengers and no shared vehicles…  And this may all change if the government guidance changes. More information is on the Motorsport UK website.
So please be patient with us on the committee as we are trying to get you back in your motors but it is going to take a bit more thought and planning than before. Rest assured, we are doing everything we can.
Please stay safe and we hope to see you all soon.

Many thanks ,