Latest News

Our next event is the annual combined RTV & CCV at Titsey on 8thMarch. This is earlier in the year than normal and we are not sure if the camping field is going to be available (too wet?), so if you want to camp / take your caravan, please get in touch with a committee member first.

The orders for the National Fleeces have started coming in and the first batch should be with us soon, so those of you that haven’t yet ordered them will be able to see what you are missing out on.

Also coming up in March, we have your biggest opportunity of the year to have your say in how the club is run – the Annual General Meeting. Please note that it is being held on a Wednesday this year – we had a choice of moving the day or finding a new venue, and as most members know where the Rose & Crown in Tonbridge is, it was considered a day change would be easier for all concerned. If you try and turn up on the Thursday you will find the room occupied by the local Rotary Club, having a full sit down dinner. (Can’t think why they were keen to keep their booking instead of ours…)

It is at this AGM that Dave Green will be standing down from our Events Secretary role, having done it for 5 years. The committee is looking at streamlining the role to make it easier, but anyone interested should have a chat with Dave in the first instance and he will have a go at convincing you want to do it!

Hope to see you at the AGM.

And finally, the SR’s / entry form for our biggest event of the year, the 2-Day CCV Team Trial are now available – numbers are limited –first come first served…